Nagaland Assembly
The Legislative Assembly of Nagaland, also known as the Nagaland Vidhan Sabha, is a unicameral law making body and consists of 60 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA). The seat of the Legislative Assembly is at Kohima, the capital of the state.
The term of the Legislative Assembly is five years. However, it may be dissolved earlier than that by the Governor on the request of the Chief Minister. The last legislative Assembly elections in Nagaland were held in Feb 2023.
The Legislative Assembly of Nagaland, also known as the Nagaland Vidhan Sabha, is a unicameral law making body and consists of 60 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA). The seat of the Legislative Assembly is at Kohima, the capital of the state.
The term of the Legislative Assembly is five years. However, it may be dissolved earlier than that by the Governor on the request of the Chief Minister. The last legislative Assembly elections in Nagaland were held in Feb 2023.

SUBJECT Variables
The 14th Legislative Assembly of Nagaland formed post the elections held in Feb 2023 consists of 60 MLAs. No party was able to secure an absolute majority on its own in the 2023 Assembly elections to form the government. NDPP (National Democratic Progressive Party) won 25 seats in the 2023 Assembly elections but was unable to cross the majority threshold of 31 seats independently. NDPP formed an alliance with BJP (12 seats) to form the government in 2023.
Key leaders in the Assembly:
- Speaker: Sharingain Longkumer (NDPP)
- Chief Minister: Neiphiu Rio (NDPP)
- Leader of the Opposition: Vacant

- 27% MLAs in the current Assembly have little to no education (grade 12 or below), in comparison to 33% in the previous Assembly.
- 35% MLAs in the current Assembly are Graduates, in comparison to 37% in the previous Assembly.
- 35% MLAs in the current Assembly are highly qualified (professionals and above), in comparison to 30% in the previous Assembly.

- There are only 2 women MLAs in the current Nagaland Assembly.
- The women's representation in the Nagaland Legislative Assembly is the lowest of all states Assemblies in India


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