About Us
More than ever before, our society is being increasingly polarized by the advocates of communalism, religion and corporate greed. The chasm between the haves and have nots, the believers and non-believers, the left and the right, is getting wider at an alarming rate. The plurality of our culture-rich society is being washed away by a binary discourse. Our polity has largely been a bystander and unable to deliver equitable and responsible growth.
Barring a few bold voices, news media has largely surrendered to the commercial pressures of click-bait and sensationalist journalism. Its independence has been compromised with the entry of wealthy corporates buying out media houses for promoting their biased agendas. The 24*7 news culture has boomeranged and the news media is now facing its worst credibility crisis in recent memory. It is at this inflection-point that the idea for The Mirrority was shaped.
Launched in 2021 by Jitesh Surjiani, The Mirrority (www.themirrority.com) is an independent media initiative that will say things as they are without overtly placating the left or the right. Our objective is to highlight and reflect on daily events that are shaping our collective consciousness. We will keep alive serious issues in public memory until its logical conclusion and take up issues that do not find supporters in mainstream media. We believe that fact based and honest representation of issues will neutralize conversations coloured by bias and stir responsible debates in the society - debates that hold power to account and objectively challenge the status quo. Let's just say this would be a good starting point for us, as a society, to regain what we have surrendered and again dare to hope for social equality and justice.
Our tagline “The Mirror to our Society” aptly reflects The Mirrority's purpose and we hope over time, you see an image you are proud of.
Know more at https://www.themirrority.com/ or email us at hello@themirrority.com.
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Even the very best of media houses in our country today are yielding to the pressure of click-bait journalism in order to survive. More than ever before, our country needs journalism that is independent, fair and non-pliant to the bureaucracy. Such journalism needs the support of like-minded readers like you to help us survive editorially and financially.
Whether you live in India or India lives inside you, help us continue to produce quality journalism with your contribution.