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Retail inflation prints at 6.71% in July, declining for the third straight month

14 Aug '22

The drop in inflation in July is primarily attributed to easing global commodity prices given the looming recession fears. The international crude oil prices are down about 9% this month and below 100 dollars a barrel, hitting pre-Ukraine crisis lows. The fuel tax cut announced by the government has contributed to lower fuel price-based inflation. Restrictions on wheat exports and lower import duties have contributed to easing the pressure on food items.

Telangana Assembly Elections

Election data of the Legislative Assembly of Telangana, also known as the Telangana Vidhan Sabha.

Telangana Assembly

Data on the Legislative Assembly of Telangana, also known as the Telangana Vidhan Sabha.

Maharashtra Assembly

Data on the Legislative Assembly of Maharashtra, also known as the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha.

Tamil Nadu Assembly

Data on the Legislative Assembly of Tamil Nadu, also known as the Tamil Nadu Vidhan Sabha.

Punjab Assembly

Data on the Legislative Assembly of Punjab, also known as the Punjab Vidhan Sabha.

Puducherry Assembly

Data on the Legislative Assembly of Puducherry, also known as the Puducherry Vidhan Sabha.

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