Episode 32 of India this week's podcast includes developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between Jul 24-30, 2022.
- Rulings by the courts on citizens' fundamental rights
- Inauguration of the 44th Chess Olympiad
- New election laws favoring the youth
- New bills passed for anti-doping in sports
- New tussle between the Delhi CM and Centre
- Disruption in the Parliament
- Opposition protests for suspension of MPs
- Arrest of minister Partha Mukherjee from West Bengal
- No-confidence vote in Chhattisgarh Assembly
- Employment figures for jobs in Central government
- FDI in Manufacturing sector in 2021
- Boost for aviation and tourism industry, and much more ...

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Episode Notes
Episode 32 of India this week's podcast includes developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between Jul 24-30, 2022.
- Rulings by the courts on citizens' fundamental rights
- Inauguration of the 44th Chess Olympiad
- New election laws favoring the youth
- New bills passed for anti-doping in sports
- New tussle between the Delhi CM and Centre
- Disruption in the Parliament
- Opposition protests for suspension of MPs
- Arrest of minister Partha Mukherjee from West Bengal
- No-confidence vote in Chhattisgarh Assembly
- Employment figures for jobs in Central government
- FDI in Manufacturing sector in 2021
- Boost for aviation and tourism industry, and much more ...
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