In episode 9 of India this week, we talk about developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between Feb 06-12, 2022:
- The row over Hijab in Karnataka and the High Court's interim order
- The demise of Lata Mangeshkar
- The PIL over the Maharashtra government's decision to allow sales of wine in supermarkets
- India's commitment at the One Ocean Summit
- Election updates from Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Manipur, and Punjab
- Industrial production growth figures for Dec 2019
- RBI's decision in the bi-monthly Monetary Policy Meeting, and so much more ...

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Episode Notes
In episode 9 of India this week, we talk about developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between Feb 06-12, 2022:
- The row over Hijab in Karnataka and the High Court's interim order
- The demise of Lata Mangeshkar
- The PIL over the Maharashtra government's decision to allow sales of wine in supermarkets
- India's commitment at the One Ocean Summit
- Election updates from Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Manipur, and Punjab
- Industrial production growth figures for Dec 2019
- RBI's decision in the bi-monthly Monetary Policy Meeting, and so much more ...
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