In the maiden episode of India this week, we talk about developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between September 12-18, 2021.
- Covid-19
- Pegasus, the phone-hacking scandal
- Birthday celebrations of PM Narendra Modi
- Agricultural Households report
- Indians on TIME magazine's list of most influential people of 2021
- Crime data of 2020
- Vacancies in 12 statutory tribunals
- Engineer's Day and saffronisation of education in India
- IT raids on Sonu Sood's offices and home
- Communal speech by UP CM Yogi Adityanath invoking "Abba Jaan" comment
- Tiranga Yatra by AAP
- Swearing-in of Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel
- Resignation of Punjab CM Capt. Amarinder Singh
- Shutdown of Ford Motor plant in India
- PLI scheme for auto sector
- Bid for Air India, and more...

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Episode Notes
In the maiden episode of India this week, we talk about developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between September 12-18, 2021.
- Covid-19
- Pegasus, the phone-hacking scandal
- Birthday celebrations of PM Narendra Modi
- Agricultural Households report
- Indians on TIME magazine's list of most influential people of 2021
- Crime data of 2020
- Vacancies in 12 statutory tribunals
- Engineer's Day and saffronisation of education in India
- IT raids on Sonu Sood's offices and home
- Communal speech by UP CM Yogi Adityanath invoking "Abba Jaan" comment
- Tiranga Yatra by AAP
- Swearing-in of Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel
- Resignation of Punjab CM Capt. Amarinder Singh
- Shutdown of Ford Motor plant in India
- PLI scheme for auto sector
- Bid for Air India, and more...
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