Earnings & Wages
In economics, the price paid to labour for its contribution to the process of production is called wages.
In economics, the price paid to labour for its contribution to the process of production is called wages.
SUBJECT Variables
- The average gross earnings for a self-employed worker in 2022-23 was ₹13,131 per month, 12.4% higher than a year ago.
- The average earnings of females in 2022-23 were 63% lower than that of their male counterparts.
- The average gross earnings for a salaried worker in 2022-23 was ₹19,492 per month, 6% higher than a year ago.
- The average earnings of females in 2022-23 were 27% lower than that of their male counterparts.
- The average gross earnings for casual labour in 2022-23 was ₹403 per day, compared to ₹374 a year ago.
- The average earnings of females in 2022-23 were 35% lower than that of their male counterparts.
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