Fragile States Index
The Fragile States Index, published by the Fund for Peace, is an annual ranking of 178 countries based on the different pressures they face that impact their levels of fragility. The Index is based on The Fund for Peace’s proprietary Conflict Assessment System Tool (CAST) analytical approach. The CAST framework was designed to measure this vulnerability in pre-conflict, active conflict and post-conflict situations, and continues to be used widely by policy makers, field practitioners, and local community networks. The methodology uses both qualitative and quantitative indicators, relies on public source data, and produces quantifiable results.
Twelve conflict risk indicators are used to measure the condition of a state at any given moment. The indicators provide a snapshot in time that can be measured against other snapshots in a time series to determine whether conditions are improving or worsening.
The Fragile States Index, published by the Fund for Peace, is an annual ranking of 178 countries based on the different pressures they face that impact their levels of fragility. The Index is based on The Fund for Peace’s proprietary Conflict Assessment System Tool (CAST) analytical approach. The CAST framework was designed to measure this vulnerability in pre-conflict, active conflict and post-conflict situations, and continues to be used widely by policy makers, field practitioners, and local community networks. The methodology uses both qualitative and quantitative indicators, relies on public source data, and produces quantifiable results.
Twelve conflict risk indicators are used to measure the condition of a state at any given moment. The indicators provide a snapshot in time that can be measured against other snapshots in a time series to determine whether conditions are improving or worsening.
SUBJECT Variables
The overall performance score of the Fragile States Index is a sum of 12 sub-indicators grouped under 4 main indicators - cohesion, economic, political and social.
- India's status on the Fragile States Index based on its overall score in 2023 is classified as "Warning", a level below "Stable".
- India's rank dropped by 4 places in 2023 to reach the 73rd position amongst 178 countries on the Index
- India's overall score on the Fragile States Index 2023 is 74.1 on a scale of 120, a 0.8-point improvement over the score in 2022.
- India's overall score between 2013 and 2023 has averaged at 76, signifying a 37% overall achievement on the assessed indicators
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