Episode 28 of India this week's podcast includes developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between Jun 19-25, 2022.
- The flood situation in Assam
- Supreme Court's suo moto cognizance of Air pollution in Delhi
- Extension of CUET 2022 deadline
- Release of CLAT 2022 results
- Protests by parents of MBBS students evacuated from Ukraine
- Appointment of new NITI Aayog CEO
- Commencement of recruitment under Agnipath scheme by the Indian Air Force
- Appointment of presidential candidates
- Crisis in Shiv Sena-led government in Maharashtra
- By-polls in 3 Lok Sabha seats and 7 Assembly seats
- Dismissal of petition seeking culpability of Narendra Modi in 2002 Gujarat riots
- Resumption of embassy services in Kabul
- New lows for the Indian rupee against the US Dollar
- The falling foreign exchange reserves
- Commencement of recruitment by Jet Airways
- Charity Pledge by billionaire Gautam Adani, and much more ...

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Episode Notes
Episode 28 of India this week's podcast includes developments in the world of politics, society, business, and economy between Jun 19-25, 2022.
- The flood situation in Assam
- Supreme Court's suo moto cognizance of Air pollution in Delhi
- Extension of CUET 2022 deadline
- Release of CLAT 2022 results
- Protests by parents of MBBS students evacuated from Ukraine
- Appointment of new NITI Aayog CEO
- Commencement of recruitment under Agnipath scheme by the Indian Air Force
- Appointment of presidential candidates
- Crisis in Shiv Sena-led government in Maharashtra
- By-polls in 3 Lok Sabha seats and 7 Assembly seats
- Dismissal of petition seeking culpability of Narendra Modi in 2002 Gujarat riots
- Resumption of embassy services in Kabul
- New lows for the Indian rupee against the US Dollar
- The falling foreign exchange reserves
- Commencement of recruitment by Jet Airways
- Charity Pledge by billionaire Gautam Adani, and much more ...
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