Export Preparedness Index
The Export Preparedness Index (EPI), prepared by NITI Aayog, evaluates states’ potentials and capacities in exports. The presence of basic facilities, a conducive environment, and the reach of the exports’ footprint are some of the key factors used for the assessment. The government hopes that the detailed insights from this Index will guide all stakeholders towards strengthening the export ecosystem at both the national and sub-national levels. The EPI is expected to benefit the states and union territories to benchmark their performance against their peers and analyse the potential challenges and prospects to develop better policy mechanisms to foster export-led growth.
The over-arching goal is to help India increase its share in global trade from the present 1.7% in 2018 to at least 5% by 2030.
The Export Preparedness Index (EPI), prepared by NITI Aayog, evaluates states’ potentials and capacities in exports. The presence of basic facilities, a conducive environment, and the reach of the exports’ footprint are some of the key factors used for the assessment. The government hopes that the detailed insights from this Index will guide all stakeholders towards strengthening the export ecosystem at both the national and sub-national levels. The EPI is expected to benefit the states and union territories to benchmark their performance against their peers and analyse the potential challenges and prospects to develop better policy mechanisms to foster export-led growth.
The over-arching goal is to help India increase its share in global trade from the present 1.7% in 2018 to at least 5% by 2030.

SUBJECT Variables
- The all-India average score on the Export Preparedness Index (EPI) 2022 was 46.5 on a scale of 100, equating to a 46.5% performance level on the Index.
- Tamil Nadu, with a performance level of 80.9% on the EPI 2022 demonstrates the highest export potential in India, closely followed by Maharashtra at a performance level of 78.2%.

- All the performance indicators at the all-India level have achieved a higher performance level in 2022 in comparison to the previous year
- In EPI 2022, the Policy indicator has shown the highest growth, 74.7% in 2022 compared to 50% in 2021.

This pillar evaluates whether a state has introduced enabling policy measures to steer export-led growth. Further, it looks into dimensions that will shed light on the exact measures and policy mechanisms that states have adopted to enable exporters to be competitive.


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