The government’s relentless push toward EVs, rising fuel costs, and consumers’ growing appetite for environment-friendly mobility solutions have all contributed to a manifold rise in the sale of electric vehicles in 2021-22. According to data compiled by the automobile dealers' body Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA), electric vehicle retail sales in India increased three-fold in 2021-22.
Total electric vehicle (EV) sales touched 4,29,217 units in 2021-22, a three-fold rise from 1,34,821 units in 2020-21. The drop in sales in 2020-21 in comparison to 2019-20 is palpable considering the impact of the Covid pandemic.
Electric two-wheeler retail sales occupied the bulk of the total EV sales with 2,31,338 units sold in 2021-22, in comparison to just 41,046 units sold in 2020-21. Hero Electric, with sales of 65,303 units in 2021-22 had a 28.2% share of the two-wheeler EV sales in India.
The total electric three-wheeler sales touched 1,77,874 units in 2021-22, registering a two-fold increase with just 88,391 units sold in 2020-21.
The electric passenger vehicle retail sales touched 17,802 units during 2021-22, from just 4,984 units in FY20-21. Tata Motors had an 85.4% share with sales of 15,198 units in 2021-22. MG Motor India, with sales of 2,045 units had a market share of 11.5%. The electric commercial vehicle sales rose to 2,203 units in 2021-22 compared with only 400 units in the previous fiscal.
The sales of passenger vehicles continue to remain subdued compared to 2 and 3-wheeler sales given the as-yet underdeveloped charging network across the country.

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